What a lovely day for a walk! After all that wintry weather we’d had in the previous week it was a joy to be out in the sunshine. All together we were 24 blind and sighted walkers and Paris, a black labrador. Beforehand I was worried that the parks would be heaving with people but on the morning walk the parks, green spaces and woods as we wended our way along our route were not that busy apart from occasional tennis players, quite a few dogs and their owners and chatting pushchair couples. Continue reading Sunday 5 June: Capital Ring Sections 11 and 12 with the London Blind Ramblers
Programme of events: June to September 2016
Click below to open the Summer programme:
Saturday 11th June. Around Maidenhead
A Social event organised by Christine, the Club’s President. Christine was waiting for the Polyramblers at Maidenhead station and she took them for a walk through “The Gullet”, a local nature reserve, to her house for tea/coffee and biscuit on the patio. Later, the group walked to town for a pub lunch and then to the Maidenhead Heritage Centre (which used to be a pub). It has permanent exhibitions about the history of Maidenhead and the Air Transport Auxiliary (ATA) and a spitfire simulator. Continue reading Saturday 11th June. Around Maidenhead
May 15th. Leigh to Sevenoaks
What a lovely day for a walk! The bluebells that were in amongst every clump of trees when we did the walkover two weeks ago had given way to wild garlic and the meadows are now full of buttercups. Horse chestnut trees are in full flower and their leaves luminously bright green despite attacks of leaf blotch in recent years. Lots of wisteria on the few houses and cottages we passed. We were blessed with warm sunshine but when the occasional cloud came over or when we were walking in the shade we could feel the icy wind still reminding us that spring has not yet fully arrived. But the ground was not muddy – in fact in some fields the soil in between the crops was cracked as in severe drought. Continue reading May 15th. Leigh to Sevenoaks
May 14th. Rainham to Purfleet
Fourteen Poly Ramblers and two guests converged on Rainham, Essex on a sunny though chilly Saturday afternoon for the last 5 miles of the London Loop. Some had spent the morning visiting Rainham Hall, others were in the pub and one or twovisited the reptile emporium. We headed off across the level crossing towards the river, led by Martin and Anna, the latter carrying a large cardboard cake box. After a mile we arrived at the banks of the Thames estuary, very industrial but not unattractive in a way. Continue reading May 14th. Rainham to Purfleet