All posts by special correspondents

East Grinstead circular Virtual walk at the end of April

Our 10 mile walk starts through the normally busy Saturday streets of the town but we have an opportunity to socially distance ourselves from the high street and detour past the pretty church. Outside Sackville College, a Jacobean Almshouse, where all residents are currently self-isolating, we pass the statue to the NZ surgeon Archibald McIndoe who pioneered plastic surgery for WWII airmen at the local hospital. Finally, we leave the town behind and set off across mixed farm and wood land where we are bound to see bluebells at this time of year. Continue reading East Grinstead circular Virtual walk at the end of April

Saturday 8th. Benfleet to Southend-on-sea

I was delighted that 17 walkers turned up for this walk although I wasn’t certain they had all taken in what I had said about the mud! Some of them had been rather derogatory on the train about the Essex landscape – riverside flood plain – so they may have been surprised to see the steep street as we left the station! The footpath continued uphill through Benfleet Downs and Hadleigh Country Park, part of which was used for the Olympic Games mountain bike Continue reading Saturday 8th. Benfleet to Southend-on-sea

Saturday 19 October 2019 Northwood to Rickmansworth

Saturday 19 October 2019 Northwood to Rickmansworth (Linear)
Fifteen walkers joined the 9.5 miles walk, on a glorious, sunny day. We made a prompt start from Northwood Station past the golf course and on to Ruislip Woods. Jennifer and I had done the walkover but on the day I, inadvertently, took a different path, fortunately we did not get lost. At the start of Mad Bess Woods we were able to gather sweet chestnuts. We saw serval several varieties of fungi including toadstools and ink-pen mushrooms and appreciate the autumnal trees and foliage. Then we dropped down to St Mary’s Church in Harefield, here some members went to the Australian Military Cemetery. The rest of us went to look inside a fully, carpeted church, which took me by surprise. Then we made way to Kings Arms in the village. As the pub does not serve food on Saturdays we were allowed to eat our packed lunch and the barmaid made us feel very welcome. Continue reading Saturday 19 October 2019 Northwood to Rickmansworth

13th October. Saxon Shore Way 6. Bloors Wharf – Kingsferry Bridge

.Well a day of ups & downs especially by the leader.We set off from Rainham, Kent station at 10.36 and within the first two miles the leader was to be found sprawled on his back on the muddy ground. His fall from grace having been cushioned by the First Aid kit stowed in his rucksack. We passed near to Upchurch, here Sir Francis Drake grew up his father was Rector of St Mary’s church.The morning was dry despite heavy overnight rain and hardly a breath of wind. With three dogs barking and challenging us as we passed a stables.We had during the course of the day to walk four times along a very narrow & busy road, the same road.Geoffrey after consultation agreed to walk at the back in a High-vis jacket, with the leader in his at the front.

Continue reading 13th October. Saxon Shore Way 6. Bloors Wharf – Kingsferry Bridge

Sunday 6th October, Chingford circular

It didn’t look promising early on Sunday morning with rain tapping impatiently on my window pane and a weather warning glowering at me from the safety of my ipad.   But it turned out to be a fine breezy autumnal day in the end with plenty of sunshine and no rain.   Four of us met at Walthamstow and waited and waited for a rail replacement bus to Chingford which grudgingly appeared and then as if to make up for the delay whisked us off to Chingford fairly rapidly.   We started on our walk though Epping Forest around 11am,  picking our way between some pretty large puddles and being met by riders out on their horses enjoying the fresh air.   Continue reading Sunday 6th October, Chingford circular