Saturday 19 October 2019 Northwood to Rickmansworth

Saturday 19 October 2019 Northwood to Rickmansworth (Linear)
Fifteen walkers joined the 9.5 miles walk, on a glorious, sunny day. We made a prompt start from Northwood Station past the golf course and on to Ruislip Woods. Jennifer and I had done the walkover but on the day I, inadvertently, took a different path, fortunately we did not get lost. At the start of Mad Bess Woods we were able to gather sweet chestnuts. We saw serval several varieties of fungi including toadstools and ink-pen mushrooms and appreciate the autumnal trees and foliage. Then we dropped down to St Mary’s Church in Harefield, here some members went to the Australian Military Cemetery. The rest of us went to look inside a fully, carpeted church, which took me by surprise. Then we made way to Kings Arms in the village. As the pub does not serve food on Saturdays we were allowed to eat our packed lunch and the barmaid made us feel very welcome.
Twelve of us continued the walk after lunch down to the Grand Union Canal past Coy Carp pub, past Stokers Farm (location for filming some scenes of Black Beauty and Children of Men. The trail took us via Stokers House and to Stockers Lake Nature Reserve, past the boat house at Bury Lake and the Aquadrome on to Rickmanworth Station, Pam decided to go for tea whilst the rest of us made our way homewards.


Thanks to Ida and Gillian for photos