
windmillM1 Autumn

We publish a newsletter once a year. Here’s our latest.

Click here for the June 2023 Newsletter which includes an account of our snow walking weekend in January and a description of our Fort William trip in September last year.

Click here for the PR Newsletter October 2022  which includes details of the Xmas lunch, weekends away planned for 2023, an account  of the Club’s trip to Alsace earlier this year and an appreciation of Club member Hazel Sack

Click here for the February 2022 Newsletter which includes an account of our autumn weekend away in Swanage and an appreciation of  Club member Anna Mayer.

Click here for the PR Newsletter September 2021  which includes an account of our weekend away in Chester and an appreciation of Club member Valeria Mosini

Click here for the September 2020 Newsletter which includes reports of two members’ trips to New Zealand and the exploits of the strollers in Northern Ireland.

Click here for the Newsletter May 2020  which includes a report of the snow walking weekend in Bavaria, tributes to Solvig Starborg and Ian Gordon, an account of the Club’s activities on Zoom and WhatsApp and details of the Autumn weekend in Leek, Staffordshire

Click here for the  January 2020 newsletter which includes reports of the Spring weekend in the Dolomites and the autumn weekend in North Devon and booking information for the Youth Hostel weekend in Swanage and the August weekend in Northern Ireland.

Click here for PR newsletter Sept 2019 which includes reports of the Peddars Way and Lancaster weekends,  information about booking the snow walking trip in January and a trip to the Alsace region of France in May, plus a booking form for the Christmas lunch.

Click here for  PR May 2019 Newsletter which includes reports of the snow walking and Youth Hostel weekends earlier this year and an article seeking your views on the future of Rent-a-hostel weekends

 Click here for PolyRamblers Newsletter January 2019  which includes reports of the weekends in the Scottish Borders and Ashbourne last year and details of the upcoming trip to Lancashire in August.

Click here for PR newsletter Sept 2018 which includes reports of the spring weekend in Bavaria and details of upcoming trips to Bavaria (again) in January and the Dolomites in May.

Click here for 180422-PR newsletter May 2018 which includes reports of the snow walking weekend in January and the Youth Hostel weekend in Street, Somerset.

Click here for PRC newsletter Jan 2018 final which includes reports of the Exeter and Barmouth weekends last year and details of upcoming trips to the Scottish Borders and to the Peak District.

Click here for PR newsletter Sept 2017 which includes a report of the weekend in Cogne and information about forthcoming weekends away for 2018.

Click here for PRC Newsletter May 2017 Includes reports on the snow walking weekend and Youth Hostel weekends earlier this year.

Click  to Newsletter Jan 2017 read the January 2017 Newsletter including reports on the August weekend in Skipton and Autumn weekend in Matlock and more information on the forthcoming trip to Exeter.

Click newsletter-sep-2016 to read the September 2016 Newsletter.  Includes a report of the May weekend in Galway, the Christmas lunch booking form and information on the forthcoming weekend to Oberammergau (Germany).

Click PR newsletter May 2016 to read the June 2016 Newsletter. Includes a report of the snow-walking weekend in Germany and the YHA weekend in Lulworth Cove and an appreciation of Gerald Kremenstein.

Click Newsletter Jan 2016 to read the January 2016 Newsletter. Includes an appreciation of Sylvia Veal, reports on the Snowdonia and Northumbria weekends and information on a forthcoming trip to the Yorkshire Dales

Click here to read the September 2015 Newsletter 150913-PR newsletter Sept 2015 template-KC Contains report on the trip to Grazalema and information on forthcoming weekends in Fussen (Germany), Lulworth Cove (Dorset) and South-West Ireland.

Click here to read the May 2015 newsletter                                                        Contains an appreciation of Peter Gould and  reports on snow walking in Bavaria  and the YHA stay in  Cheddar.

Click here to read the January 2015 newsletter                                       Contains an appreciation of Bert Pitts,  and trip reports on August Bank Holiday in Yorkshire, and autumn weekend in Chepstow