Saturday 8th August Icknield Way Stage 2 Dunstable to Streatley

Stuart and I met 13 walkers at Luton station on a warm, sunny Saturday morning for stage 2 of the Icknield Way.  A 15 minute trip on the guided busway took us back to Dunstable where we finished in May.  A long green lane took us to steep steps to cross the A5 and we continued north, stopping briefly to try some delicious cultivated blackberries growing just above a sewage works.  Later we had to negotiate the diggers starting work on the A5/M1 link road.  Soonwe reached the Plough Inn at Wingfield for a very pleasant lunch.

The next landmarks to cross were the M1 and the parallel London/Bedford railway line.  Before long we were in the village of Upper Sundon where we left Lucy, Peter and Val to wait for their bus (probably in the pub opposite the bus stop).  The rest of the group ploughed on (no time for a drink) through Sundon Hills Country Park with views of the Sharpenhoe Clappers. Eventually we made it down to the outskirts of Streatley but sadly there wasn’t quite enough time to visit the village and pub before catching the bus back to Luton.  Look out for stage 3 next spring.

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Thanks to Dominique for all photos