Eleven polyramblers set off from Buxted, in dry weather though with rain forecast. We made our way out of the village and then through fields and woods towards Poundgate, with the occasional stretch of lane, and pretty views. It was a good time of year to be doing the walk as the trees were turning and the colours were lovely. Towards the end of the morning we had to cross a golf course, which we negotiated successfully, helped by the fact that there were surprisingly few golfers about. Shortly after we arrived at the Crow and Gate pub, our lunchtime stop.
Rain started while we were in the pub and continued for a bit, but then the sun came out. Our route took us through fields and woods again – at times following the Vanguard Way – and there were more good views. We arrived back in Buxted with time to spare, so some of the party went to the pub by the station, and others waited at the station itself.


Photo by Pam