Holmwood to Dorking via Friday Street

Despite an early start, a very respectable 14 of us assembled at Holmwood Station. We were rewarded when,  just before our arrival, the sun came out, lighting up the wonderful autumn colours. We made our way uphill to Coldharbour, enjoying views to the south. There we were greeted by the new landlady of the Plough Inn, who in the spirit of free enterprise was offering discounts to diners. I don’t recall having been there as a club – one for the future perhaps. Onward and upward past the cricket ground and to Leith Hill Tower and a cup of tea at the cafe. It was a lively scene, with walkers, cyclists,dog walkers and families with small children all enjoying the sunshine and views towards the South Downs. Turning north our walk took us largely through woodland to the Stephan Langton Inn, surely Surrey’s most remote pub, for an agreable lunch. Our afternoon route took us north and east to Dorking, through mixed woodland and farmland. Much of our walk was through the Wooton Estate, the former home of the Evelyn family. At Dorking, the majority headed for the station apart from Stuart, Gillian and myself who found a small pub where we  raucously watched the rugby world cup final along with about 200 others. A grand day out, though perhaps not with the ending Stuart would have chosen.

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