24th February. Hampstead Heath

On a sunny, chilly winter morning 4 of us went on a circular walk around Hampstead Heath. The weather was great for this time of the year. Blue sky with a few wisps of clouds, and gentle wind blowing. The air was cold, but comfortable to walk. We passed part of the village, then Hampstead Ponds, Parliament Hill, Highgate Ponds before we stopped for lunch at Kenwood House, and visited the Art Collection. Then we  moved slowly on to the next part of the walk. We passed Wood Pond in the valley bottom where Kenwood House emerges on the hill. We continued the walk through the woodlands, and reached the hill from where there was enjoyable view over the Valle of Health to central london.
Following the path we emerged by Jack Straw Castle, and walked through pleasant streets in Hampstead with many fine houses. We finished our leisurely walk at ‘Boulangerie Bon Martin’ for some refreshments and relaxation. It was a good winter walking day! Thanks to  you attendees for supporting my walk.
