Saturday 9th March Tadworth circular

A respectable total of 20 members and guests met at Tadworth station on a somewhat grey and overcast morning. We  passed through woodland with well trodden muddy paths before turning north and emerging into more open countryside and our first view of Epsom Downs and the racecourse. Horses is the main business in these parts and most of the farms are given over to  it. We reached the foot of the downs and made our way up across the training gallops to the course itself.  The sun finally made a showing and we
had a decent view to the north and London. There have been races here since the 17th century, with the Derby itself first being run in 1780. This is  the UK’s premier thoroughbred event for three year olds over a mile and a half.  Leaving the Downs we headed south, climbing again to reach Headley. Picnics were taken in the grounds of the attractive parish church, tea and buns in the village tearoom and  more serious eating was done in the busy Cock Inn.  Our route back took us through more stables and Great Hurst Wood and we were soon back at Tadworth and a nice warm train.

Thanks to those who came out and took the slightly disorganised lunch arrangements in such good part.
