Saturday 24th July West Harrow/Harrow-on-the-Hill. Distance: 3.5 miles

Despite the rail and tube travel disruption and threats of stormy weather, sixteen hardy polyramblers were waiting for us when we arrived at West Harrow station at 1:30pm for our West Harrow and Harrow on the Hill walk. We set off through the tree lined streets of West Harrow, passing through West Harrow Park, past the many school owned cricket fields and the former semi-mansion home of Clare Raynor before embarking on the steep ascent of the hill through the graveyard to St Mary’s church. We looked at the Peachy grave, Byron’s favourite place during his time at Harrow school. Just beyond, the grand Harrow Old School, War Memorial building, Chapel, Speech room and Vaughan Library.

Proceeding down the High Street past the ‘Headmaster’s House’, the many boy’s boarding houses named after schoolmasters of yesteryear, and stopping to look at the marble fountain erected over the old town well. Then, on to the ‘Green’, flanked by buildings with history – former Variety Hall, former fire station, former ‘Kings Head’ pub and hotel. Continuing on through old streets and taking in the old Baptist church, Matthew Arnold’s house and the John Lyon school we ended up at the Castle pub where we enjoyed a long hour in the garden with good company, food and fortifying liquids. The weather was good to us. A very pleasant day.

Mick and Dolly