A total of 15 Polys met at Amberley station for a walk in perfect weather. A much larger walking group left the train at the same time, so we sped off just in case they were heading in the same direction. We had a short walk along the river Arun, then through Amberley village with its castle, thatched houses and delightful cottage gardens, then across country to Parham Park where the picnickers had their lunch. The pub lunchers enjoyed sandwiches in the garden of the nearby Crown Inn, in the company of goats, rabbits and guinea pigs. We were pleased to see that none of these featured on the menu. To celebrate the first day of Geoffrey’s retirement, he treated us all to glasses of Prosecco and Harriet produced an excellent cake. Feeling very well fed and watered,
we started the long, slow ascent up onto the South Downs Way. A final steep section found us at the top of Kithurst Hill with views of the south coast as far as the Isle of Wight. The good views continued for 3 miles along the ridge, then we dropped down to Amberley just in time for the 5.17 train home. Geoffrey, still enjoying his retirement, was walking leisurely at the back and Harriet stayed behind to keep him company in the pub while they waited for the next train. Thanks to all who came out and made it such an enjoyable day. Sandra