A group of 16 Poly Ramblers and 3 guests gathered in Marlow on a mild and sunny November morning.  The sky was blue and the autumn colours were fantastic.  We knew that rain was forecast later but hoped we might avoid it.  We headed towards the river, pausing briefly to admire the larger than life statue of Olympic rower, Sir Steve Redgrave.  We crossed the town bridge and left the river behind, heading south across fields to cross a busy dual carriageway into Bisham Woods.  There we had a short stop to sample Stuart’s homemade Anzac biscuits – very appropriate for the centenary of Armistice.  After passing the Ice House built in 1790 for Bisham Abbey we headed through the woods and then steeply uphill towards Cookham Dean, passing a large turkey farm on the way. The food and service at the Jolly Farmer were excellent and we were able eat outside in the sunshine.  After  an hour though the clouds were drawing in and within 20 minutes of leaving the pub the heavens opened for a short sharp shower.  The rest of the walk took us through Cookham Rise and then we skirted the Winter Hill golf course and followed a route above the river back to Marlow, passing some impressive properties en route.  The mixture of sunshine and showers showed off the autumn colours even better and there were a few rainbows to stop and admire. Gradually the showers won out over the sun and by the time we were back in Marlow town it was raining steadily.  Some of us paused on the way to the bus stop to look at the Silent Silhouettes of WW1 soldiers.

Main photo: Yvonne D.  Others: Gillian
