12 Polyramblers set off from Otford station and after the leader missed the turning (she was talking) they found the correct path and ascended fairly steeply up to the North Downs. After passing through the woods we were able to admire some beautiful views over the valley below. Later in the day we were able to see over to Canary Wharf. The sun came out in time for our picnic in a field fortunately devoid of cattle, despite the warning sign that animals could be present. We continued up and down through woods and farmland and made our way to the very pretty Shoreham village where we stopped at the Kings Arms for a drink. Several of us remarked that we felt we had been there before on another walk. The final leg took us past the golf course and the cricket pitch where a match was taking place and along the River Darwent back to Ottford for our train home. We agreed that we had been very lucky with the weather and that it had been a very enjoyable day in some beautiful countryside. Thank you to Ida for the lovely photos.
