Nineteen Polyramblers arrived at Northolt Station for a prompt start. We walked through old Northolt village of which only the old Manor House, a few cottages, a pub and St Mary’s Church still remain. We then made our way to the four hills at Northala fields. The hills were constructed using rubble from the demolition of the original Wembley Stadium, which was closed in 2000 and demolished in 2003. We climbed the main hill to enjoy the view of London. Behind the hills lie several man-made lakes which have been constructed to encourage wild life.

Then we made our way along the Grand Union Canal heading towards Horsenden Hill farm. Steve kindly lead about half the group to the Ballot Box pub for lunch and the rest of us enjoyed a picnic, tea and cakes near the farm shop.

After lunch both groups met at the top of Horsenden Hill from where we made our way back to the Station. 


Photos by Ida.