Six of us set out from Chigwell station. The weather was beautiful, though as the day went on we were glad to escape into the trees now and then as a break from the sun. Lunch was taken at a cafe by the lake in Hainault Forest Country Park. After that we skirted the park and, with the help of Geoffrey’s gps, managed to cross a golf course. Loop signs, when visible, were directing us into bushes and along overgrown paths. Going southeast we reached and crossed Havering Country park. Members commented on how the walk felt more like a countryside walk rather than one actually in London. Some highlights of the walk were the numerous horses we came across and the tall redwood trees in Havering Country park (pics). On reaching Harold Hill we were able to cross the town via little parks, treat ourselves to ice cream and avoid main roads to reach the station. Many of us had our first experience on the new Elizabeth line home. Photos attached