Seventeen walkers gathered at Chalfont and Latimer station on a mild but wet and miserable Saturday morning for the last walk of the year. After a circuit of Chalfont Nature Park, waiting for two late arrivals to catch us up, we continued down country lanes with impressive properties and picked up a path along field boundaries above the Misbourne Valley. We passed close to but didn’t see Beel House, once owned by the Mason family who made their wealth from the slave trade in the 18th century, and later by such luminaries as Dirk Bogarde, Ozzy Osbourne and Robert Kilroy-Silk. Eventually we reached Stanley Hill Cemetery where we paused to view the memorial to the Polish soldiers who were stationed in the area in World War II.  Later we passed the Martyrs Memorial to the six men and one woman who were burnt to death in the early 16th century for being Lollards and wanting to read the bible in English. We headed through the woods to Amersham and lunch.

Twelve walkers continued for the afternoon circular walk in the Chess Valley, passing Latimer House. The weather had brightened slightly but conditions underfoot were difficult with slippery mud which slowed us down a bit. After a number of climbs and descents we finally emerged from the final wood as the sun set and did the last mile on tarmac back to Amersham station in the dark.

Happy New Year to all Poly Ramblers

Gillian.  Thanks to Ida and Chris for the photos