Well, I thought the biggest challenge of the day was going to be the extreme heat or the thunderstorms but as it turned out it was the 465 bus which got me to Dorking station after everyone had arrived all looking anxiously for their leader!! 

All was not lost. We maintained a gentle walking pace given the heat and luckily a lot of the walk was shaded.  Sightings of the river Mole and other streams helped to cool our fevered brows.  First stop was the garden centre but not to buy plants but to use their facilities. We then walked through the golf club arriving at Brockham where we had various flavours of ice cream including black coconut, honeycomb, gin and tonic, ginger spice. The list was endless and it was hard to get back to the business of walking.  

We walked along part of the Greensand Way and arrived at the church that was in Four Weddings and a Funeral – only to find that there was a wedding taking place. So, anyone that had a packed lunch ate discreetly in the churchyard hoping not to be in any photos of the happy day.  For everyone else we ventured across the road to The Dolphin Betchworth. 

We then walked through various country lanes and ended up at Reigate Park where the old priory used to be and then we were in the busy town of Reigate. 

Thank you so much everyone for coming to the first walk that I have led for the walking club.  I was really surprised that 20 people turned up given the weather forecast. I hope you enjoyed it as much as me. 

Lorna.  Photos by Lorna and Stuart