Category Archives: Walk reports

Sunday 14 June – Circular walk in Runnymede

My first club ramble I ever attended was from Egham station almost exactly 37 years ago! It was led by the late Peter Gould, and I remember Rosie and Rosemary attending!   Since then the station has been completely rebuilt with a housing estate nearby. This time the ramble date is Sunday 14 June 2015 and we are celebrating 800 years of Magna Carta, and my route took us into Royal Holloway College where we spent an hour at their Great Charter Festival open day. Continue reading Sunday 14 June – Circular walk in Runnymede

Saturday 6th June Berkhamsted to Tring Station.

A small but select group joined me at Euston. After an unusually quiet, for Polyramblers, journey to Berkhamsted we were joined by another three walkers and made our way to the canal. I suggested a visit to Waitrose but no one was interested. Instead we stopped to watch two cygnets struggling to get out of the canal onto the bank. Their parents were too busy preening themselves to take any notice but the persistent cygnets made it in the end.
Continue reading Saturday 6th June Berkhamsted to Tring Station.

Saturday 30 May: Circular walk in Hatfield Forest

After a nice bus journey from Bishop’s Storford to Hatfield Broad Oak, 13 Polyramblers joined Sue and Geoffrey who had driven to the start of the walk.  In the sunshine, we walked through meadows and arable fields along the Three Forests Way following the Pincey Brook. Just before joining the Flitch Way, the line of the old Bishop’s Stortford to Braintree railway, we saw Gillian and Stuart who had come to meet us for lunch. We walked to The Green Man public Continue reading Saturday 30 May: Circular walk in Hatfield Forest

Saturday 23rd May. Great Chesterford to Newport

Report by Heather.

“Lonely Trainers on the platform wonders if he’s got it wrong

But hark – the trains – from which alight the happy Polyrambling throng…”

With apologies to Betjeman, I like to think he would have approved of the walk on Saturday.  With all three Mikes, and more men than women – could this be a Polyramble first of modern times?  Starting Continue reading Saturday 23rd May. Great Chesterford to Newport

Saturday 16th May: Icknield Way Stage One: Ivinghoe Beacon (Tring) to Dunstable

Saturday was a beautiful sunny morning with a light breeze, perfect for walking the first stage of the Icknield Way. Things got off to an inauspicous start as the leaders were a few minutes late meeting the group at Tring and Dominique had missed the train at Euston (long ticket queue).  So Stuart set off with a group of 12 to begin the 3 mile uphill trek towards Ivinghoe Beacon while Irene and I waited for the next train.  After the first half mile I gave Dominique the map and let Continue reading Saturday 16th May: Icknield Way Stage One: Ivinghoe Beacon (Tring) to Dunstable