Category Archives: Event Reports

AGM 14 March 2020

On Saturday 14 March, just ahead of the more stringent advice on social distancing, the Club held its AGM at Better Bankside.   With the increasing threat of coronavirus, the organisers had thought long and hard about whether to go ahead and email reminders had been sent out about the importance of hand washing, so I was expecting a much reduced attendance. In the event 36 members turned out, only two down on last year, and this in spite of a few older members sensibly deciding to stay at home to reduce their risk of infection. Perhaps we all had an inkling that would be our last physical gathering for a while.  Hilary, in the chair, began the meeting with tributes to Solvig Starborg who had died in January and Ian Gordon who had passed away last May.  Both had been AGM regulars. Continue reading AGM 14 March 2020

Sunday 28th July Victoria Park Jazz

Nine Polyamblers met at Stratford, despite the drop in temperature and pessimistic weather forecast, for the stroll across the Olympic Park, past the stadium where Danny was watching athletics the week before, and along the thoughtfully renamed Greenway (formerly the Northern Outfall Sewer Cycleway!) to Victoria Park, met by a flock of mini-cyclists wearing yellow high-vis jackets and then through the Old English Garden, past the East Lake and the massive Burdett-Coutts Drinking Fountain to the grassy expanse of the East Park. Continue reading Sunday 28th July Victoria Park Jazz

Monday 17 June 2019: Angels Costume Tour (Hendon)

My chosen rendez-vous point for the Angels Tour, the Midland Hotel, was in the right spot but sadly was not offering lunchtime food on the day. They were very apologetic and allowed us to bring in sandwiches from nearby, which some of us did, while others went to the KooKoo Cafe recommended by Rosie. Suitably refreshed, 16 of us gathered in Angels reception, to be met by our guide Mark who informed and entertained us for the next 2 hours. We started in Continue reading Monday 17 June 2019: Angels Costume Tour (Hendon)

Saturday 23 March 2019: Annual General Meeting

38 Polyramblers attended the AGM in a new venue in London Bankside.  Before starting with the serious business, Hilary, the Chair, presented Christine – who is stepping down as President – with a present and a card.  Apologies were received, including from our two Canadian members.  The minutes of the last meeting and the annual report were approved.   

Continue reading Saturday 23 March 2019: Annual General Meeting

Saturday 3rd March: Annual General Meeting

Despite the bad weather the week before the AGM, there was a good attendance at this event.  Mike chaired the meeting as Christine, our President, could not be present because of a bad cold.  There was a minute silence to honour two Polyramblers who passed away  recently: Margaret Lanham, one of our Vice-Presidents, and Pat House.  The minutes of the previous AGM were approved and there was an update on matters arising.  The Committee had Continue reading Saturday 3rd March: Annual General Meeting