I was impressed that 13 Poly Ramblers made the journey to Amersham in the rain this morning for a 4.5 mile walk with guaranteed mud.  We headed down to Old Amersham through woods and fields, passing the Martyrs Memorial, last seen on a Club walk in December.  We reached the River Misbourne which had burst its banks and engulfed two benches.  We wandered along the High Street and admired the historic buildings.  At the 17th century Market Hall there was a small market and a few of us were tempted by the cheese stall…..  Eventually we headed uphill on a stony path, crossed the railway (no trains!) and entered Hervines Wood.  At this point conditions underfoot deteriorated and it would have been useful to have done a walkover but eventually we found our way through the wood to Copperkins Lane.  We turned onto Mayhall Farm for the field paths down into Chesham.  A large body of water of uncertain depth across the path made me decide to try an alternative route. We probably should have stuck to plan A as the alternative was no better. We passed a playing field and decided to walk across it to avoid some of the mud.  Getting out of said field proved to be a bit of a challenge and one member ended up with a muddy bottom!  More slippery downhill work until at last we emerged into open fields with views of Chesham.   What a relief.  We soon hit tarmac and then Chesham town centre  where we dispersed to cafes and pubs before making our way home.  Thanks to everyone who turned up.
