This walk was from the book ‘Beyond the End of the Line’ by Jeff Lock.

Nineteen people attended this walk including existing members and some potentially new members.  We set off from Aldgate to the Tower of London walking along waterways to St Katherine’s Dock and onwards to Spirit Quay and Shadwell Basin, Wapping Market and Woods.  

After stopping for a group photo at London’s oldest waterway pub (the Prospect of Whitby) we continued through King Edward Memorial Park to Lime House Basin where we stopped for an hour at the Yurt Cafe to warm ourselves with home cooked food in a cosy atmosphere.

After lunch we walked back to the river coming off at Canary Wharf to join the Island Waterways which lead us to Millwall Dock and Basin.  From there we went to Mudchute Park and Farm which is a large open space and working farm for the local community.

Coming out of Mudchute Park, we walked through Millwall Playing fields exiting under the Docklands Light Railway bridge at Island Gardens Station. 

With our eyes firmly on the end of the walk (the Cutty Sark ship) we approached the Greenwich Tunnel (east side).    While still clutching my guide book I was stopped by a passer-by who stated ‘I wrote that book’.  It was Jeff Lock, the author,  who seeing the copy in my hand, stopped us for a chat! After a very pleasant encounter, he signed my copy and we parted ways,  chuffed at the chance encounter.
