Saturday 25 July: Longer walk: Wendover (Circular)

Eighteen polyramblers joined us for this walk; sixteen of travelled by train and Gillian and Stuart joined us at Wendover. After Peter had confirmed the pub reservation we made our way toward the Boer War Monument on top of Coombe Hill. After the rain on Friday we were grateful for a clear sunny day and were able to enjoy the wonderful views – Ellensborough church, Ivinghoe Beacon, Chequers (David Cameron’s country retreat).

As usual, Lucy and Peter had a little treat for us – dried fruits -a healther option instead of homemade cake. We walked along the Ridgeway Path and descended down Coombe Hill, where our walking poles came into use. We made our way to “The Plough” in Cadesden, our lunch stop. Some of us had a picnic but most polyramblers choose to eat in the pub and were happy with the food and drinks; although sadly, two tea drinkers were not impressed with the tea. Sandra and Mike left us after lunch due to other commitments. The rest of us rejoined the path after a short walk on the main road. We walked through Maple, Fugsdon and Cogs Woods, enjoying the wild flowers, butterflies and moths and some juicy wild raspberries as we made our way back to Wendover Station (not to mention chocolate wafer biscuits courtesy of the leaders). All the polyramblers and I really enjoyed our day out.

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