Sixteen keen Polyramblers aligned at Rochford for the second challenging walk of the summer programme. This 13 mile walk was cancelled last year (can’t remember why) and we eagerly waited for the bus to take us to Canewdon to start the walk. The bus was late – which is not unusual – and we were not too worried until two ladies who were passing told us that, because of roadworks, the bus had been diverted and we had missed it.

This walk seemed to be doomed! After checking that there was a bus from Canewdon to Rochford at 17.00, I decided to do the walk in reverse. So we set off from Rochford, following the river Roach along the sea wall for a few miles while being buffeted by the wind. We turned inland at Bartonhill Creek and had lunch in the shade. We continued along Green Lane, passing a lake and walking along a path made of seashells. We reached Paglesham and stopped at St Peter’s Church to use the eco toilet. We passed a defunct pub and reached Paglesham Creek then walked along fields before reaching Lion Creek which we followed. We continued alongside the river Crouch on an overgrown path on the sea wall with the wind against us.

We finally reached Upper Raypits where we turned inland, crossing a meadow and then climbing the only hill of the day to reach Canewdon and the bus stop with half an hour to spare. No time for a drink in the pub but we headed to the local shop for a well deserved ice cream.
