Hildenborough and Leigh Circular on 14th September 2024

Nine intrepid ramblers, after the inevitable transport delays we seem to get nowadays, set off from Hildenborough station in search of the Club’s recently (well, fairly recently!) donated kissing gate located not far from the station.

Inscribed plaques in memory of past members to be added to the gate were still stuck in the post.  Despite this disappointment we were able to pose for photos of the gate and the pleasant surroundings on what was a very sunny day.  The occasion even afforded a chance by Danny, on one of his rare excursions outside suburbia, to explain to a small group of walkers coming in the opposite direction who we were, the gate donation and the toll they had to pay to go through it!

Pleasantries over, we headed off to Leigh (pronounced Lye by local wurzels) for a tea break and the opportunity to eat the local church’s biscuits left to feed pilgrims like us and for the leader to leave behind his map of the walk!  Fortunately, having done the recce only days earlier the leader remembered the rest of the route with only the odd referral to the OS app.

We dined in Haysden Country Park on the banks of the River Medway before heading off along part of the Eden Valley Walk to the Plough and Barn Inn which we had to reach before it closed at 2.30pm to host a wedding. Arriving 15 minutes late the leader pleaded, nay, begged bar staff to allow us to have a quick pint/coffee.  They eventually caved in, but we had to finish before the bride arrived.  Returning empty glasses with the groom’s entourage already at the bar, my inquiry about a tab was met with a ‘get lost’ smile!

Refreshed, we set off for the station, walking through the countryside, arriving in good time for the hourly train back to London thanks to Sandra’s earlier calculations that the pub was a 45 minute walk from the station!


Photos by Joyanna and Siew Kee