The Saturday walk had attracted 24 walkers so I was pleased to have a turnout of 13.I was impressed to learn that 10 of them had been on the Saturday walk too – hats off to them. It was good to have Sandra with us for the 1st time in a few weeks. From Boxhill and Westhumble Station we made our way uphill to the west, passing through Dobies Vineyard to join the Pilgrims Way. The wooded section was alive with birdsong and the open stretch gave us sunny views across the valley towards Leith Hill. Turning downhill and crossing the railway we passed along Milton Street, lined with some very attractive 17th century and older houses. Entering woods we climbed up to a ridge with a gazebo, where we sat and appreciated views both to the north and Box Hill and to the south towards the South Downs.
Continue reading MAY 2nd Bank Holiday Monday, Box Hill and Westhumble to Dorking, plus Dorking loop