This was a combined walk with
Polyramblers and a club called Kaleidoscope.
It was a beautiful sunny day for a
stroll through Holland Park stopping for visit to St Mary Abbots Church designed
by George Gilbert Scott the most famous and sought-after architect of his day. A
few of the Polyramblers diverted off towards Kensington High Street at this point but managed to retrace their steps in
time to see the church!
We were lucky enough to be rewarded with sunshine and
glorious views of London on our walk which took us along the northern bank of
the Thames and then via Greenwich foot tunnel to Greenwich Observatory and Point Hill one of
London’s best but least known viewpoints.
Ten Polyramblers spent a very informative morning looking at the history of our water supplies and marvelling at the huge pump engines which were used to distribute water throughout London.Two of our ramblers also went to the musical museum next door for a guided tour!By the time we started the afternoon walk our numbers had expanded to 21 participants. Continue reading 5th January London Water & Steam Museum. Walk to Hammersmith→
The Polytechnic Rambling Club – Walking with friends