Saturday 6th June Berkhamsted to Tring Station.

A small but select group joined me at Euston. After an unusually quiet, for Polyramblers, journey to Berkhamsted we were joined by another three walkers and made our way to the canal. I suggested a visit to Waitrose but no one was interested. Instead we stopped to watch two cygnets struggling to get out of the canal onto the bank. Their parents were too busy preening themselves to take any notice but the persistent cygnets made it in the end.
After two miles we left the canal and started uphill past a large paddock. A frisky young horse came to see us and after rejecting the offer of some orange segments started biting his companion. We sat in the garden at the Greyhound to enjoy our lunch and remarked on the generous portions. There was a strong breeze, which sharpened our appetites, but eventually we retired to the shelter of the patio and enjoyed some sun.

After lunch we made our way to Tring station by way of the pedestrian bridge over the A41 and enjoyed spectacular views in the direction of Ivinghoe Beacon, well-known to Polyramblers. Unfortunately we didn’t see the Muntjac deer that I spotted on my walkover.

Thanks to those who joined me and I hope you enjoyed the walk.

 Image: Sue Adair  CC ASA 2.0  Swan and cygnets Sankey Canal