Saturday 15 September 2018: WANBOROUGH to GODALMING (LINEAR)

Because of a train strike, Wanborough station was shut, so 13 Polyramblers took the train to Guildford and the bus to Normandy (don’t know the origin of the name and Wikipedia is vague about it) and walked to the start of the ramble at Wanborough station. It was a lovely sunny day and, after following field hedges, we reached Wanborough great barn, built 630 years ago by the Cistercian monks of Waverley Abbey. It was heritage open day so we were able to visit the barn but no time to have coffee and cake in the lovely church. We walked uphill along a wooded path to the A31 dual carriageway which we managed to cross after waiting for a little while. We then continued along Greyfriars vineyard, home of the award winning English sparkling wine, according to their website.  We crossed a golf course and joined the North Downs Way which we followed along a woodland path. We bypassed Watts Gallery and made our way to the Withies Inn, a XVI century pub, where we had lunch. The afternoon walk continued through woodlands and the last stretch was along the river Wey bordered by Harriet’s foe (Himalayan balsam) before reaching Godalming station where we read a notice about Irene’s namesake who is the subject of an exhibition at Watts Gallery.


photo of Wanborough barn by SG Bailey