In spite of the wet conditions and a discouraging forecast, 15 Poly Ramblers gathered at Ruislip station for a walk through woodland, open countryside and canal towpath.  The rain had largely stopped by the time we set off but the sun failed to make an appearance all day.  Even without the sunshine the woodland of Bayhurst Country Park and Ruislip nature reserve was lovely, although the HS2 works we had to divert around were a little less lovely and some of the stiles were in poor condition.  Eventually the route took us to woodland above Harefield Parish Church and a peal of bells heralded our arrival (or maybe they were for the wedding).  We made our way uphill to Harefield Village and then down, up and down again to reach the Grand Union canal towpath.  We headed north and stopped at the Coy Carp pub for lunch.  After refreshments we continued north on the towpath to Rickmansworth where the majority of the party went in search of tea.  Having searched in vain for an independent tea shop we ended up in one of the chains.

It was lovely to see Julie again on a visit from Brisbane.  She enjoyed the weather if no-one else did.

Gillian. Photos from Joyanna, Hilary, Melida and Gillian